About ThriftBuyer

What is ThriftBuyer?

ThriftBuyer is rating and note-taking application which allows users who frequently shop at thrift stores for work, to keep track of and share the best places to find certain items. Any user can search for stores near them and see what kinds of items can be found at that store, as well as what the community thinks of the quality, quantity, and price point, of those items. Not just that, but users can write their own notes about each store and item category, so that when they come back to store later, they can see their previous impressions about it.

Why ThriftBuyer?

ThriftBuyer was created specificially to help prop buyers in the theater industry. However, we believe that this app can benefit anyone who frequently shops at thrift stores, either for business, or personally.

About the Author

This application was created and developed by Daniel Gold. Please feel free contact me at DanielJasonGold@gmail.com. Or connect with me on LinkedIn.

About the App

All source code for ThriftBuyer can be found at GitHub.com/LandGod/ThriftBuyer